At a first glance „The Investigation” is an old-fashioned, British novel. The more we get to know the mystery, the more remote its solution seems. At the same time the world within the novel – from a good old set of a conventional „crime” - turns to a modern vision of overcrowded world of chaos, the labyrinths of which need to be searched for new guides - not necessarily trustworthy ones.
The Kirkus Reviews
Rattling rhythmically at each floor, the old-fashioned elevator moved upward past glass doors decorated with etchings of flowers. It stopped. (...) The doors swung open.
"This way, gentlemen," gestured someone standing just inside.
Gregory was the last one in, right behind the doctor. Compared to the brightly lit corridor, the room was almost dark. Through the window the bare branches of a tree were visible in the fog outside. (...)
"Gentlemen," the Chief Inspector said (...) "I want you to go over every aspect of this case. Since the official record has been my only source of information, I think we should start with a brief summary. Farquart, perhaps you can begin."