Lem at Amazon

Stanislaw Lem at Amazon

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4.875 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.88 (16 Votes)

At a first glance „The Investigation” is an old-fashioned, British novel.  The more we get to know the mystery, the more remote its solution seems.  At the same time the world within the novel – from a good old set of a conventional „crime” - turns to a modern vision of overcrowded world of chaos, the labyrinths of which need to be searched for new guides - not necessarily trustworthy ones.



5.00 out of 5 based on 1 ratings1 user reviews.
Not the typical detective tale... Reviewed by C. Robert Broerse "Buchlieber on . I feel G.K. Chesterton's "The Man Who Was Thursday" would be the appropriate companion piece to read with "The Investigation". Both books are filled with the ominious, the unaswerable, both are philosophical and haunting. The mystery here is the mystery of existence. This book is the great sonata of life "living the questions". Besides, the atmosphere is rich, dark and foggy - it is the England we all stereotypically imagine in our minds. Read this book because you want great literature. It's not just "another mystery". It's beyond that. C. Robert Broerse "Buchlieber" Rating: 5 5