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Stanislaw Lem at Amazon

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I wrote Czlowiek z Marsa (The Man from Mars) with the sole intention of earning money. This novel appeared in a dime-magazine published in Katowice. The first Polish edition, a pirate one, appeared in one of the fanzines. Regardless of my own current opinion of this work this novella obviously became a certain literary fact. Regretfully, the author sometimes cannot withdraw what has been written and published. Due to the nature of some Gallery of Coverscontracts with publishers who obtained rights to all my works I was unable to stop certain foreign publications. After Czlowiek z Marsa appeared in Germany I came to the conclusion that although this novella is poor and naive - I should give permission for a Polish edition as well. Nevertheless authors sometimes wish to hide and bury their beginnings at the "Cemetery of General Non-reading".