Lem at Amazon

Stanislaw Lem at Amazon

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This book contains a conception that goes beyond current short-term political satire. Here we are confronted with a totalization of the concept of intentional actions. This has been shown with a quite clear, perhaps ever ghastly consistency, resulting in surprising effects. I think this vision is both original and true. A human being is indeed capable of treating everything around him as a message. Choosing this as the principium of a novel is not a bad idea at all - even from the philosophical point of view. Totemism, animism and similar phenomena existing among primitive cultures are based on the premise that the world as such can be treated as an announcement addressed to its inhabitants. The fact that it can be used by makers of a certain social order and later go beyond the intentions of political dictators seems rather symptomatic. From this moment on everything becomes a message. The history can be viewed as a sequence of conspiracies and everything - including rain - becomes a symptom that allows foreseeing what will happen in the political sphere. All of this becomes a habit of an unfortunate species forced to live in such a closed system. To me this seems important in this book; its insanity - since this is a paranoid vision - is created with the necessary intensity and consequence and this valuable factor of the novel will always be preserved. It does not deal with - and this is what I am really proud of - a given transient social and political configuration. Instead it can be ascribed to many cultures, times and is capable of describing many different phenomena in diverse social systems. Moreover, this book is a successful combination of grim ghastliness with humor. Today this grim humor still seems to me a genius temporis and signum temporis! And there are no signs indicating that this is about to change...