And then I invented the Ministry of Foreign and Extraterrestrial Affairs, which in its archives guards various works by historians, reports from their journeys, various versions and theories. But how could I present such an idea - by showing an entire library? Maybe I should have compiled an encyclopedia of such a plane? But that would require too much work and it would have resembled The Imaginary Magnitude and The Perfect Vacuum. Hence I decided that my hero would get to know these contradictory reports and he would discover that he made a mistake. Here the incoherent nature of various reports was desired, since some of them are works of authors that are not humans, written in various countries and times, with contradictory interpretation of religion, customs, ideology and planetary history.
And then, in addition to that, I wanted these reports to be analyzed by scientists creating a terrible mess. I knew that if I give the reader some humor he would struggle just as if he were to reconstruct the history of Europe from the reports written in China, Stalinist Russia, America and by the Nazis. Hence I wanted to make it impossible to reach the core of the events - because of too many interpretations skewed by authors' own inventions. My goal was to reach a nightmare of ambiguousness, to achieve a giant palimpsest.